General conditions of use of my RDT


The purpose of these general conditions of use is to define the terms and conditions applicable to the use and access of my RDT by the customer who wishes to use this space. The Customer is informed that he has the option of downloading, saving and printing these general conditions of use.


Access and use of the my RDT client area are offered to the Client subject to his acceptance of these general conditions of use which are given to him when he accesses the my RDT client area.

The general conditions of use of the my RDT customer area are those validated online on the date of activation by the Customer of his my RDT client area or when the new general conditions of use are validated by the Customer.

These general conditions of use constitute the entire agreement between the companies of Groupe RDT and the Customer regarding the use of the my RDT customer area.

By clicking on the "Validate" button when accessing or using their my RDT customer area, the Customer declares and acknowledges that they have previously read these general conditions of use and unreservedly accept all of the terms and conditions.

The Customer also agrees to receive them, in an e-mail sent by Groupe RDT, when activating their my RDT customer area, or in the event of changes to the conditions.

The Customer declares that he accepts the characteristics and limits of the Internet, in particular with regard to technical performance, response times, consultation, interrogation or data transfer.

Taking into account, in particular, the extensions and possible improvements of the my RDT customer area, Groupe RDT reserves the right to modify these general conditions of use at any time and therefore obliges the Customer to read them and validate them before accessing their my RDT customer area.

In the event of disagreement, the Customer has the option of no longer accessing their my RDT customer space via this portal. If the Customer continues to access it, they will be deemed to have accepted the new general conditions of use of the my RDT customer area.


Access to the my RDT customer area, for consultation or for modifications, requires the use of a personal login and a confidential password.

The personal login is communicated to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. The Customer agrees to receive such information on this e-mail address.

When logging into the my RDT customer area for the first time, the Customer must modify and personalize their confidential password, so that it is personal to them.

They can change this password at any time; for safety reasons they are invited to do so regularly.

The Customer must themself ensure that their personal username and confidential password keep their personal and confidential nature.

In the event that the confidential password required to access the my RDT customer area is forgotten or lost, the Customer can request a new password online in the my RDT client area.

In the event of a suspicion of fraudulent use of the access codes, the Customer must immediately notify Groupe RDT during opening hours.

So that the my RDT customer area and its services functions correctly, the Customer must have up-to-date versions of the browsers they use.

It is also the Customer's responsibility to check the compatibility of the configuration of his personal equipment.

The services are only accessible from the my RDT customer area, after identification by means of a username and a confidential password. The concomitant use of said username and confidential password, constitutes proof of the identity of the Customer.

Any connection made in the my RDT customer area and any act performed using the confidential username and password are deemed to be made by the Customer, the sole holder of these confidential codes. Consequently, the Customer must not under any circumstances communicate their confidential username and password to a third party. They must take all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of his usernames and passwords.

Access and use of the my RDT customer area are carried out under the sole control, risks and responsibilities of the Customer. As such, the Customer must make sure to disconnect after each use of the my RDT customer area, or as soon as he no longer has control of the device used to connect to the Area.

Likewise, the Customer acknowledges that the systems for recording logins and passwords, offered by Internet browsers and applications, do not ensure the confidentiality of their login and password. Consequently, the Customer is strongly advised not to use these login registration systems for access to the customer area under penalty of assuming the risks inherent in the use of these systems.

The Customer assumes all the direct or indirect consequences that may arise from the voluntary or involuntary disclosure of their username and password. Groupe RDT cannot be held liable, in the absence of fault on its part, due to the use of the username and password by a person other than the Customer.

Access to the my RDT customer area and its use through the services, assume that the Customer has a valid e-mail address as well as all hardware and software necessary for browsing the internet and opening the safeguard of pre-contractual and contractual documents. This e-mail address can allow the exchange and receipt of information, including pre-contractual and contractual, which the Customer accepts by joining the my RDT customer area and using the services. Groupe RDT reserves the right to make the my RDT customer area accessible from other media or electronic means of communication.


Access and use of the my RDT customer area and services are provided free of charge.

The Customer acknowledges that they bear the cost of acquiring, setting up, accessing and maintaining the IT and telecommunications resources allowing them access to the my RDT customer area.


The my RDT customer area and the services offered by Groupe RDT may be supplemented, deleted, modified or replaced at any time, in particular according to technological developments.

The Customer will be informed by e-mail, which will be sent to the e-mail address listed, in the my RDT customer area, of any removal or replacement of services. The Customer agrees to receive such information on this e-mail address.

It is the Customer's responsibility to check and regularly update the e-mail address in the my RDT customer area.

In the event of a modification thereof, the Customer must make this modification and update his customer area as soon as possible.

In the absence of an e-mail address, Groupe RDT cannot be held responsible.


The Customer is informed that Groupe RDT has the right to suspend access to the service :

In this case, the Customer still has the traditional means of communication (in particular postal).


In the event of a breach of these general conditions of use, as well as those relating to the services, Groupe RDT reserves the right to refuse, unilaterally and without notice, the Customer’s access to the my RDT client area or to the services.

In this case, the content of the customer area will be deleted, and the Customer will have limited access to his documents for a period of three months so that they can retrieve them.


This agreement is for an indefinite period.

It takes effect on the date on which the Customer first gave their agreement to these general conditions of use by clicking on the "Validate" button.

The Customer may stop using the my RDT customer area and the online services at any time, without notice.

Groupe RDT may stop this agreement by giving 15 days' notice by e-mail to the Customer's e-mail address.

The my RDT customer area and the services become automatically and immediately inaccessible to the Customer. The Customer will have limited access to their documents, for a period of three months, so that they can retrieve them.


Groupe RDT applies French and European legislation on the protection of personal information.

By "personal information", this means any information that identifies a person. Most often this will be a name, address, phone number or email address.

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, in its new version of June 17, 2019, the information published is subject to computer processing, intended for the management of relations between Groupe RDT and visitors to its website. The data disseminated is exclusively reserved for internal use.

By completing the registration form for the my RDT customer area, you authorize Groupe RDT to use your data to communicate with you and to send you information on the services it offers.

You have the right to access and rectify information concerning yourself, which you can exercise by writing :

By mail to the following postal address :

Groupe RDT – Service Communication
10 avenue de la Bauxite

or by email at the following address :

You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you.


The general structure of the my RDT customer area, as well as texts, images and videos are the property of Groupe RDT. In application of the law of March 11, 1957 (article 41) and of the intellectual property code of July 1, 1992, the reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages and of any other constituent element of the site, by any process or support whatsoever without the publisher's permission is prohibited. The same is true for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process.